Spotlight Single Bass

In 2021 I got a scholarship from the German institution “Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg” for my project “Spotlight Single Bass”. During a period of four months I created a new repertoire for Double Bass and Electric Bass as solo instruments.

Das Projekt wurde gefördert durch ein Stipendium des Ministeriums für
Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.


1) “Spring will come” – Own Composition

This own composition was inspired by the rough and hypnotic music of Robert Johnson.


2) “Pictures of a City” – King Crimson

This song is honouring one of my all time favourite bands, who is also one of the reasons I became a musician: King Crimson.


3) “Hard Time Killing Floor Blues” – Skip James

With its hypnotic guitar riffs this song by Skip James always fascinated me. The electric bass pays tribute to its grim character.


4)”Nunc Stans” – Own Composition

This song  is based on a widely ranged experiment with the chordal possibilities of the electric bass.


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