Microtonal Polyphony around the world

The Project “Microtonal Polyphony” is supported by Musikfond e.V.
Musikfond e.V. and the German program “Neustart Kultur” granted me a wonderful scholarship for the time-period between January and June 2021.

My funded project had a topic that is strongly connected to my work since a long time: to create intercultural music which central characteristic is not the combination of the contrasts between the different music cultures but to create music where it’s about treating both musical cultures as equal forms of expression – with a lot of respect for each other and deep knowledge about both musical cultures. The result is music that goes beyond the categories of Orient and Occident.

I want to create a more global vision in which the traditions of both musical cultures are taking seriously. The unique musical trademarks of the oriental music tradition like microtonality, richness of individual interpretation and rhythm diversity and those of the western musical tradition like polyphony, counterpoint and Jazz Improvisation create together a new entity.
I designed the create process as a “musical chain-letter” in which the first step was to record the basic idea for composition and arrangement with my bass. The second step was to send those tracks to other musicians who were asked to record improvised and composed material and send it back to me. I want to present the resulting six tracks which were created in process of constant exchange.

1. The Shaman
Fadhel Boubaker – Oud
Daniel Kartmann – Drumset
Jonathan Sell – Electric Bass

2. Eyes Talk
Fadhel Boubaker – Oud
Dominik Fürstberger – Drumset & Percussion
Jonathan Sell – Double Bass

3. Man of Mystery
Yolanda Diefenbach – Tenor Saxophone
Jonathan Sell – Electric Bass

4. Taif
Mohamad Fityan – Nay
Jörg Teichert – Guitar
Jonathan Sell – Double Bass

5. Silk Moon
Yolanda Diefenbach – Sopran Saxophone
Jonathan Sell – Double Bass

6. Caba
Fadhel Boubaker – Oud
Dominik Fürstberger – Drumset & Percussion
Jonathan Sell – Double Bass

Zacharias Zschenderlein: Mixing & Mastering / The Shaman, Eyes Talk, Taif, Silk Moon, Saba
Chris Bethge: Mixing & Mastering / Man of Mystery, Silk Moon

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